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Contacts list - Documentation

1. Installation

First, you must download the latest version of the module.

To install the extension, simply access your Joomla administrator panel and open System in the left menu. Then, click on Extensions in the Installation panel.

Open the tab Upload package file, click on the button and locate the ZIP archive on your computer. Select it to launch the installation process.

Installation dans Joomla

Few seconds later, a message confirm you that the process of installation is successfuly completed.

Now, your extension Contacts list is available in your module manager:

Installation du module

2. Setup

2.1 The contacts

This module works in association with com_contacts. So you need first to create a contact category and add some contacts in this category.

Each contact should have minimum:

  • First and last name,
  • Avatar,
  • Position,
  • Email address.

Contacts list documentation

2.2 The module parameters

Let's have a look to the parameters of the module :

Contacts list documentation

  • Category: select the contacts category
  • Count: indicate how many contacts the module must display
  • Sorting: select the option for sorting the contacts: latest, oldest, modified, published, by hits, random, contacts order.
  • Featured: select the desired option if the module must display the featured contacts (or not).
  • Show image: select if the module must display (or not) the contact avatar
  • Image width: indicate the width of the avatar (in px)
  • Image style: select the style of the image displayed by the module: rounded, circle, polaroid
  • Show position: select if the module must display (or not) the contact position
  • Show email: select if the module must display (or not) the contact email

Contacts list documentation

Don't forget to indicate the template position for your module on the right part of the page and on which page your module must be displayed in the tab menu assignment. Click on Save & Close once you're done.

3. Demo

Links on the names to the contact pages are disabled in the demo

France - 29800 Landerneau

+33 674 502 799

Quick links