Women's portrait at Joomla: Bruna Dosti

Women's portrait at Joomla: Bruna Dosti

We celebrate the International Women's day on the 8th March (International women's rights day, in few countries) but it's also important to remind that women are equal of men and it's essential to protect and respect their rights every days of the year but nowadays, women make up just 24% of the tech workforce, thus more and more women are encouraged to pursue careers in the tech industry. Initiatives such as Girls who Code and conferences such as European Women in Technology support this movement passionately.

And at Joomla, the trend is not much different. Because there is no fatality, we must do things in others ways and be more inclusive. In our community, some women are really amazing and I've decided to introduce you some of them. These women are so inspiring and so motivating. Really. Read their stories, their advices, their thoughts and you'll be convinced.
Because we need really each others, I do hope that these portraits will inspire others women to embrace a career in tech sector and/or to join the Joomla Community.

Women's portrait at Joomla: Bruna Dosti

Bruna Dosti

Bruna Dosti

What’s your name and your role at Joomla?

My name is Brunilda Dosti but many know me as Bruna.

I have been using Joomla since 2010. My first experience was as Customer Support working at Icetheme. It was one of the most valuable experiences as I learned a lot about the product, clients and their relationship. Then I started creating plugins for Joomla, various templates and documentation. Joomla has taught me a lot about web technologies and working with Joomla clients has increased my patience. Over time I learned other CMS too, but Joomla remains my first love.

What excites you about your daily work?

I enjoy working on group and sharing thoughts on how to improve each day. I love helping others. I love the clients feedback and I like debugging issues and get them solved.

What did you study?

I have graduated from university with master degree in Business Informatics, in Tirana (Albania)

When did you start to think about pursuing a career in tech?

After I finished high school, I attended university for business informatics.

I was the first generation to study this subject in Albania. Of course, there have been many challenges in studying and graduating in this area but my desire to learn more about programming and its application in business was greater than the challenges.

After I started working and knowing more the marketplace, I started studies for a PHD diploma.

What challenges are you facing as a woman working in tech?

In my country it is not easy to find a job. The male gender is appreciated more and is favored. They don't really consider hiring a single mother like me. Being one of the places with the lowest income, oftentimes the foreign or local employers overload with tasks and they don't pay enough for the extra hours. Their communication is not proper towards their employees.

What would your advice to women considering pursuing a career in tech be?

You will have to fight hard for your carrier and you will have to face challanges and hardships. However, if you choose to believe the truth and do things with love, you will be victorious. Challanges are a great way for us to grow, to see things differently and to have joy even where you think there is no joy. Honor your colleagues, honor the old generations and learn from them.

Are there any specific Book/Blogs/Apps you enjoy & recommend ?

There are many sites/blogs/podcasts/books. I love learning new things, so I’ll just name those that are top of mind:

  • stackoverflow.com
  • womenintechnology.org
  • Joomla.org
  • udemy.com
  • linkedin.com
  • inc.com
  • ostraining.com
  • Radio 7
  • fosdem.org
  • twitter.com
  • Books by Darlene Sala, Jay E. Adams and the book of life, Bible

Who or what inspires you?

My inspiration comes from the Word of God. I know many brothers and sisters in Christ that encourage me every day. My precious family and my daughter are a great strength to carry on with what I am doing. I love it when we gather together and talk about our joy and challanges. I like to work with children and I think it is our responsibility as adults to educate them by feeding them with values.

What do you enjoy doing outside of work?

Outside the work, I love driving and running with my daughter, cooking and reading books.

3 tips you would give your younger self?

Three tips for my younger self would be... Believe, Love, Live

o not be afraid to accept for who you are. Try to do your best, do things with love and you will feel joy in your heart at all times. Express your thoughts more often.

And always remember:
Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged

Others women's portrait at Joomla

We celebrate the International Women's day on the 8th March (International women's rights day, in few countries) but it's also important to remind that women are equal of men and it's essential to protect and respect their rights every days of the year but nowadays, women make up just 24% of the tech workforce, thus more and more women are encouraged to pursue careers in the tech industry. Initiatives such as Girls who Code and conferences such as European Women in Technology support this movement passionately.

And at Joomla, the trend is not much different. Because there is no fatality, we must do things in others ways and be more inclusive. In our community, some women are really amazing and I've decided to introduce you some of them. These women are so inspiring and so motivating. Really. Read their stories, their advices, their thoughts and you'll be convinced.
Because we need really each others, I do hope that these portraits will inspire others women to embrace a career in tech sector and/or to join the Joomla Community.

Women's portrait at Joomla: Bruna Dosti

Bruna Dosti

Bruna Dosti

What’s your name and your role at Joomla?

My name is Brunilda Dosti but many know me as Bruna.

I have been using Joomla since 2010. My first experience was as Customer Support working at Icetheme. It was one of the most valuable experiences as I learned a lot about the product, clients and their relationship. Then I started creating plugins for Joomla, various templates and documentation. Joomla has taught me a lot about web technologies and working with Joomla clients has increased my patience. Over time I learned other CMS too, but Joomla remains my first love.

What excites you about your daily work?

I enjoy working on group and sharing thoughts on how to improve each day. I love helping others. I love the clients feedback and I like debugging issues and get them solved.

What did you study?

I have graduated from university with master degree in Business Informatics, in Tirana (Albania)

When did you start to think about pursuing a career in tech?

After I finished high school, I attended university for business informatics.

I was the first generation to study this subject in Albania. Of course, there have been many challenges in studying and graduating in this area but my desire to learn more about programming and its application in business was greater than the challenges.

After I started working and knowing more the marketplace, I started studies for a PHD diploma.

What challenges are you facing as a woman working in tech?

In my country it is not easy to find a job. The male gender is appreciated more and is favored. They don't really consider hiring a single mother like me. Being one of the places with the lowest income, oftentimes the foreign or local employers overload with tasks and they don't pay enough for the extra hours. Their communication is not proper towards their employees.

What would your advice to women considering pursuing a career in tech be?

You will have to fight hard for your carrier and you will have to face challanges and hardships. However, if you choose to believe the truth and do things with love, you will be victorious. Challanges are a great way for us to grow, to see things differently and to have joy even where you think there is no joy. Honor your colleagues, honor the old generations and learn from them.

Are there any specific Book/Blogs/Apps you enjoy & recommend ?

There are many sites/blogs/podcasts/books. I love learning new things, so I’ll just name those that are top of mind:

  • stackoverflow.com
  • womenintechnology.org
  • Joomla.org
  • udemy.com
  • linkedin.com
  • inc.com
  • ostraining.com
  • Radio 7
  • fosdem.org
  • twitter.com
  • Books by Darlene Sala, Jay E. Adams and the book of life, Bible

Who or what inspires you?

My inspiration comes from the Word of God. I know many brothers and sisters in Christ that encourage me every day. My precious family and my daughter are a great strength to carry on with what I am doing. I love it when we gather together and talk about our joy and challanges. I like to work with children and I think it is our responsibility as adults to educate them by feeding them with values.

What do you enjoy doing outside of work?

Outside the work, I love driving and running with my daughter, cooking and reading books.

3 tips you would give your younger self?

Three tips for my younger self would be... Believe, Love, Live

o not be afraid to accept for who you are. Try to do your best, do things with love and you will feel joy in your heart at all times. Express your thoughts more often.

And always remember:
Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged

Others women's portrait at Joomla

Daniel Dubois - auteur à web-eau.net

About Daniel

Passionate about the Web since 2007, Daniel defends the widow and the orphan of the Web by creating W3C-compliant sites. With his experience, he shares his knowledge in an open source mindset. Very involved in favor of the Joomla CMS since 2014, he is the founder of the Joomla User Group Breizh and a speaker in Joomla events.

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