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Free Joomla extensions

All these Joomla extensions are compliant with the latest version of Joomla, completly free, downloadable without registration, installable without restriction (even on commercial websites) and frequently updated.
Install and enjoy!

Responsive Tables is the easiest way to have responsive HTML tables in Joomla

Download Counter is best way to display a download link and its counter in Joomla

Contacts list is the easiest way to display a list of contacts in Joomla 4

Dictionary is easiest way to display a glossary responsive design in Joomla 4

Callback, the easiest way to help your visitors to call you back in Joomla.

Categories list is easiest way to display the list of your articles categories in Joomla 4

Modify Date is the only extension to edit the modification date of your articles.

The easiest way to display the upcoming articles in your Joomla website.

Since 2014, we've created tens of Joomla extensions based on client's needs: components, modules, and plugins. These extensions have been maintained and updated to the latest version of Joomla to ensure a perfect compatibility for our clients.

Whether it is for a personal or professional website, you have the possibility and the freedom to download and install all these extensions on your website, without any restrictions. All our Joomla extensions are free, perfectly functional on Joomla 4, modifiable at will and usable on as many sites as you wish.

Because each Web project is important and unique, you may need tailor-made features specific to your Joomla website. As web professionals, we are able to answer to all your questions / needs, even the most complex.

Whether you need to modify an existing component, module, or plugin or you need a custom development specific to your Joomla site, we are able to meet all your requests. Don't be afraid to challenge us, we'd love to hear from you!

Your Joomla site needs new features?

Do not hesitate to tell us about your projects, we will develop your solution

Contact us!

France - 29800 Landerneau

+33 674 502 799

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