Categories List
The easiest way to display a list of categories in Joomla
Quick Infos
- Price:
- Version: 1.2.0
- Update: 2022-11
- Compatibility:
- Type:
- Translation: EN - FR
- JED rating:

- Price:
- Version: 1.2.0
- Update: 2022-11
- Compatibility:
- Type:
- JED rating:
Displaying a list of articles categories on your Joomla website is very useful to indicate other interesting pages and content to your visitors. The module Categories list gives you the great opportunity to display this list and of course, you completly control the frontend display.
This is a powerful tool to engage your visitors to stay much longer on your site. So many good reasons to install this free module right now on your Joomla 4 website.
main features

Different displays
To display your articles categories on your site, you can choose between 2 different frontend layout - Dropdown or Default

Multiples options
This free module have several options to empower the display on your site. You don't imagine how powerful is this module!

SEO Booster
This extension helps you to engage your visitors to stay longer on your website, which is a good benefit for your SEO.

This modern module is build on the MVC model, it's means you can easily override it if needed. Without any limits except your imagination!

Community choice
This free module is a popular extension on the Joomla Extension Directory due to the large number of downloads by many users.

Easy to use
Easy to install, easy to setup and easy to maintain, Categories list is your new Joomla's best friend and you'll love it! Install it now.
module parameters

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