Bootstrap resources: the ultimate collection for your projects

85+ Bootstrap Resources

Bootstrap is the most used framework in the world. Today, there are many sites built with it and this article presents you the most useful ones. I'll continue to add Bootstrap resources to this list in future. So bookmark it and check back.

If you have any suggestion about this article, don't hesitate to tweet me.

Bootstrap Official Resources

Official resources created and maintained by the Bootstrap creators.

Name Description
getBootstrap The home of Bootstrap, the most popular front-end framework for developing responsive, mobile first projects on the web.
Bootstrap SASS Sass-powered version of Bootstrap, ready to drop right into your Sass powered applications.
Bootstrap Blog The official Bootstrap blog. Announcements, news and much more about Bootstrap.
Bootlint Bootlint is an HTML linting tool for projects using vanilla Bootstrap. Using Bootlint, you can automatically check your Bootstrapped webpages for many common usage mistakes.

Bootstrap Courses & Tutorials Resources

Tutorials and resources to learn Bootstrap framework.

Name Description
w3schools A complete Bootstrap 4 course
Freecodecamp Learn Bootstrap 4 in 30 minutes by building a landing page website
Créer un template avec Bootstrap 4 A complete Bootstrap 4 and Material Design tutorial to create a template from scratch (in French)
Websitesetup How to Setup and Use Bootstrap 4 (Step-by-Step)
Tutorialspoint A basic Bootstrap 4 course
TutorialRepublic A basic Bootstrap 4 course

Bootstrap Cheat Sheet

Complete list of all Bootstrap 4 classes with description, examples, and links to documentation.

Name Description
BootstrapCreative This Bootstrap 4 Cheat Sheet helps you quickly find documentation for common CSS classes, components, and grids.
Creative Tim Complete list of Bootstrap 4 classes
Hacker Themes An interactive list of Bootstrap classes for version 4.3.1

Bootstrap Templates & Themes

Ready to go Bootstrap templates & themes for your projects

Name Description
Bootstrap Themes Themes built by or reviewed by the Bootstrap's creators.
MDBootstrap Material Design Kit for Bootstrap 4 & 5
Start Bootstrap Great collection of Free and Premium HTML Starter Templates for Bootstrap
WrapBootstrap Hundred of templates and themes available here. One of the first third-party marketplaces dedicated to selling premium Bootstrap templates and themes.
Bootstrap Bay A third-party marketplace for Bootstrap themes & templates, operating since 2014.
ThemeForest All the Bootstrap templates from ThemeForest, the marketplace for premium themes and templates.
Bootswatch A nice collection of free easy-to-use templates for Bootstrap
Creative Market A very nice marketplace where you can find plenty of Bootstrap templates for your projects.
WrapPixel Lots of stuff here about Bootstrap with an incredible bundle and some freebies too.
Themefisher A selection of free Bootstrap themes built by the design team at Themefisher.
Bootstrap Zero 50+ free Bootstrap themes and templates available there.
Boot Bundle A rich collection of Bootstrap themes, templates, snippets & components bundle
Prep Bootstrap Free Bootstrap themes, templates and other snippets in complete code examples.
Bootstrap Themes Free Bootstrap themes, templates and other snippets in complete code examples.
Themes guide Free, Open Source Themes for Bootstrap 4.3.1
Creative Tim Creative Tim is a great Boostratp and Material Design themes and templates creator.
BootstrapMade Huge collection of free Boostratp themes and templates.

Bootstrap Showcases

Repositories of Bootstrap websites for inspiration and submission

Name Description
Built With Bootstrap The largest showcase of sites and apps built with Bootstrap on the Internet. Free submission.
Bootstrap Expo Beautiful and inspiring uses of Bootstrap, curated by @mdo, the Bootstrap creator himself.

Bootstrap Prototyping & Builders

Fast prototyping sites for Bootstrap, button makers, layout edit, etc.

Name Description
Bootstrap Button Generator Generate your Bootstrap buttons quickly with this free button generator by Bootsnipp
Designmodo Startup Create websites online using the Startup Bootstrap builder. It’s a fast and easy way to start your business presence online, with the help of pre-designed blocks.
Material Design Button Generator This Bootstrap button generator uses the Material Design Bootstrap framework
Pingendo Pingendo is a modern tool for designers, developers and web agencies. Intuitive as stacking blocks, powerful as a text editor.
Bootstraptor If you're looking for a Bootstrap builder, this one could be an excellent choice.
Grid generator A smart and useful grid generator for Bootstrap.
Bootstrap Studio Bootstrap Studio is a powerful desktop app for creating responsive websites using the Bootstrap framework.
BuildBootstrap BuildBootstrap is a free online tool helping with common task of creating responsive layout utilizing Bootstrap grid system.
Bootstrap Build Create Bootstrap 4 themes and templates with this free builder. Start from scratch or reuse free featured designs.

Bootstrap Snippets & Examples Resources

Bootstrap snippets, examples and resources built with html, css and js.

Name Description
Bootstrapious Generate your Bootstrap buttons quickly with this free button generator by Bootsnipp
Bootdey Collection of Bootstrap snippets & examples
WrapPixel Hundred of Bootstrap snippets and examples in dozens of categories.
Bootsnipp Large collection of examples and snippets for Bootstrap 4.1
Epic Bootstrap Nice and elegant examples and snippets for Bootstrap
Codeply Snippets for Bootstrap posted on Codeply.
Codepen Pens and snippets for Bootstrap posted on Codepen.
Material Design Bootstrap Very nice examples and snippets made with the Material Design Bootstrap framework.
Bootstrap Creative This library of Bootstrap 4 code snippets and page layout examples will save you time building page layouts and customizing Bootstrap components.
Bootstrap Themes Large collection of examples, patterns and snippets for Bootstrap.
Nice Snippets Impressive collection of snippets for Bootstrap 4.

Bootstrap Tools

Helpful tools for developers to use while creating with Bootstrap.

Name Description
Bootstrap CDN A Content Delivery Network that specializes in serving just the Bootstrap CSS, JS and icons.
Bootstrap loader Load Bootstrap styles and scripts in your Webpack bundle. This loader uses SASS to process CSS styles. Bootstrap 3 & 4 are supported.
Codex UI Vanilla Bootstrap 4 components that require no extra CSS or Javascript to use.


Name Description
ng-bootstrap Angular widgets built from the ground up using only Bootstrap 4 CSS with APIs designed for the Angular ecosystem.
Bootstrap Vue With BootstrapVue you can build responsive, mobile-first, and ARIA accessible projects on the web using Vue.js and Bootstrap 4.
Reactrap Easy to use React Bootstrap 4 components.

Color Design

Name Description
Colour Lovers A creative community where people create and share colors, palettes and patterns, discuss the latest trends and explore colorful articles.
Bootstrap Color Palette A basic color palette for Bootstrap
MiniColors A tiny color picker built on jQuery.
Colorpicker for Bootstrap Add color picker to field or to any other element.
Painstrap Generate beautiful Bootstrap themes using the Adobe kuler / COLOURlovers color scheme.

UI Design

Name Description
Bootstrap Select A custom select for Bootstrap using button dropdown.
Social Buttons for Bootstrap Made in pure CSS based on Bootstrap and Font Awesome
Bootstrap Select Dropdown A jQuery plugin for Bootstrap 4 that converts <select> and <select multiselect> elements to dropdowns.
Megamenu for Bootstrap Lightweight and pure CSS megamenu that uses the standard navbar markup and the fluid grid system classes from Bootstrap 4.
Bootstrap navbar dropdowns Bootstrap 4 Navbar with multiple dropdowns

jQuery & JS Plugins

Name Description
Bootbox.js Wrappers for JavaScript alert(), confirm() and other flexible dialogs using Bootstrap framework
Lightbox for Bootstrap JS plugin to display any images / gallery in a nice lightbox.
Bootstrap File Imput An enhanced HTML 5 file input for Bootstrap 4.x or Bootstrap 3.x with file preview for various files, offers multiple selection, and more.
Date Range Picker JavaScript Date Range, Date and Time Picker Component for Bootstrap.
Bootstrap FileStyle A quick and simple and beaultiful plugin to help style your form's file upload inputs using Bootstrap 4.
Bootstrap Growl A pretty simple jQuery plugin that turns standard Bootstrap alerts into hovering "Growl-like" notifications.
Bootstrap Link Preview A facebook-like link preview js library using Bootstrap styling components.
Bootstrap File Imput An enhanced HTML 5 file input for Bootstrap 4.x or Bootstrap 3.x with file preview for various files, offers multiple selection, and more.
Bootstrap Markdown Bootstrap-Markdown designed to be easily integrated with your Bootstrap project. It exposes useful API that allow you to fully hook-in into the plugin.
Bootstrap MaxLength This plugin integrates by default with Bootstrap using badges to display the maximum length of the field where the user is inserting text.
Flippant.js A mini dependancy-less UI lib for flipping over DOM nodes.
jQuery File Upload File Upload widget with multiple file selection, drag&drop support, progress bar, validation and preview images, audio and video for jQuery.
Select2 a jQuery based replacement for select boxes. It supports searching, remote data sets, and infinite scrolling of results.
Strength Meter A JQuery plugin that converts a password input into an advanced widget with strength validation meter and toggle mask to show/hide the password.

Icon Fonts for Bootstrap

Enhance your projects with these icon fonts instead of standard Bootstrap icons.

Name Description
Font Awesome Font Awesome is the web's most popular icon set and toolkit.
Fontelico This collection was started by fontello project to collaborate different small sets, missed in other iconic fonts.
IcoMoon 5500+ free vector icons for your site or app Bootstrap projects.
Entypo 411 carefully crafted premium pictograms by Daniel Bruce.
Typicons Typicons are free-to-use vector icons embedded in a webfont for easy use in Boostrap projects.
Elusive The Elusive Iconfont is an icons webfont, optimized for use with twitter's Bootstrap.
Octicons A nice icon set released by the Primer team.
Foundation Icons A custom collection of 283 icons that are stored in a handy web font for any Bootstrap project.

That's it! I hope you'll share and bookmark this page with your friends. Don't hesitate to comment if you have any question and if you've discover new tools and scripts for your Bootstrap projects. Of course, this list is not complete but I'll keep on adding some resources.

If you want to share or insert a link in this article, you're more than welcome and here are some guidelines to save our time.

  • If your link point to a free Bootstrap service / tool, contact me and I'll add it in the desired section.
  • If your link point to a freemium or commercial service / product, contact me too and we'll discuss.

Bootstrap is the most used framework in the world. Today, there are many sites built with it and this article presents you the most useful ones. I'll continue to add Bootstrap resources to this list in future. So bookmark it and check back.

If you have any suggestion about this article, don't hesitate to tweet me.

Bootstrap Official Resources

Official resources created and maintained by the Bootstrap creators.

Name Description
getBootstrap The home of Bootstrap, the most popular front-end framework for developing responsive, mobile first projects on the web.
Bootstrap SASS Sass-powered version of Bootstrap, ready to drop right into your Sass powered applications.
Bootstrap Blog The official Bootstrap blog. Announcements, news and much more about Bootstrap.
Bootlint Bootlint is an HTML linting tool for projects using vanilla Bootstrap. Using Bootlint, you can automatically check your Bootstrapped webpages for many common usage mistakes.

Bootstrap Courses & Tutorials Resources

Tutorials and resources to learn Bootstrap framework.

Name Description
w3schools A complete Bootstrap 4 course
Freecodecamp Learn Bootstrap 4 in 30 minutes by building a landing page website
Créer un template avec Bootstrap 4 A complete Bootstrap 4 and Material Design tutorial to create a template from scratch (in French)
Websitesetup How to Setup and Use Bootstrap 4 (Step-by-Step)
Tutorialspoint A basic Bootstrap 4 course
TutorialRepublic A basic Bootstrap 4 course

Bootstrap Cheat Sheet

Complete list of all Bootstrap 4 classes with description, examples, and links to documentation.

Name Description
BootstrapCreative This Bootstrap 4 Cheat Sheet helps you quickly find documentation for common CSS classes, components, and grids.
Creative Tim Complete list of Bootstrap 4 classes
Hacker Themes An interactive list of Bootstrap classes for version 4.3.1

Bootstrap Templates & Themes

Ready to go Bootstrap templates & themes for your projects

Name Description
Bootstrap Themes Themes built by or reviewed by the Bootstrap's creators.
MDBootstrap Material Design Kit for Bootstrap 4 & 5
Start Bootstrap Great collection of Free and Premium HTML Starter Templates for Bootstrap
WrapBootstrap Hundred of templates and themes available here. One of the first third-party marketplaces dedicated to selling premium Bootstrap templates and themes.
Bootstrap Bay A third-party marketplace for Bootstrap themes & templates, operating since 2014.
ThemeForest All the Bootstrap templates from ThemeForest, the marketplace for premium themes and templates.
Bootswatch A nice collection of free easy-to-use templates for Bootstrap
Creative Market A very nice marketplace where you can find plenty of Bootstrap templates for your projects.
WrapPixel Lots of stuff here about Bootstrap with an incredible bundle and some freebies too.
Themefisher A selection of free Bootstrap themes built by the design team at Themefisher.
Bootstrap Zero 50+ free Bootstrap themes and templates available there.
Boot Bundle A rich collection of Bootstrap themes, templates, snippets & components bundle
Prep Bootstrap Free Bootstrap themes, templates and other snippets in complete code examples.
Bootstrap Themes Free Bootstrap themes, templates and other snippets in complete code examples.
Themes guide Free, Open Source Themes for Bootstrap 4.3.1
Creative Tim Creative Tim is a great Boostratp and Material Design themes and templates creator.
BootstrapMade Huge collection of free Boostratp themes and templates.

Bootstrap Showcases

Repositories of Bootstrap websites for inspiration and submission

Name Description
Built With Bootstrap The largest showcase of sites and apps built with Bootstrap on the Internet. Free submission.
Bootstrap Expo Beautiful and inspiring uses of Bootstrap, curated by @mdo, the Bootstrap creator himself.

Bootstrap Prototyping & Builders

Fast prototyping sites for Bootstrap, button makers, layout edit, etc.

Name Description
Bootstrap Button Generator Generate your Bootstrap buttons quickly with this free button generator by Bootsnipp
Designmodo Startup Create websites online using the Startup Bootstrap builder. It’s a fast and easy way to start your business presence online, with the help of pre-designed blocks.
Material Design Button Generator This Bootstrap button generator uses the Material Design Bootstrap framework
Pingendo Pingendo is a modern tool for designers, developers and web agencies. Intuitive as stacking blocks, powerful as a text editor.
Bootstraptor If you're looking for a Bootstrap builder, this one could be an excellent choice.
Grid generator A smart and useful grid generator for Bootstrap.
Bootstrap Studio Bootstrap Studio is a powerful desktop app for creating responsive websites using the Bootstrap framework.
BuildBootstrap BuildBootstrap is a free online tool helping with common task of creating responsive layout utilizing Bootstrap grid system.
Bootstrap Build Create Bootstrap 4 themes and templates with this free builder. Start from scratch or reuse free featured designs.

Bootstrap Snippets & Examples Resources

Bootstrap snippets, examples and resources built with html, css and js.

Name Description
Bootstrapious Generate your Bootstrap buttons quickly with this free button generator by Bootsnipp
Bootdey Collection of Bootstrap snippets & examples
WrapPixel Hundred of Bootstrap snippets and examples in dozens of categories.
Bootsnipp Large collection of examples and snippets for Bootstrap 4.1
Epic Bootstrap Nice and elegant examples and snippets for Bootstrap
Codeply Snippets for Bootstrap posted on Codeply.
Codepen Pens and snippets for Bootstrap posted on Codepen.
Material Design Bootstrap Very nice examples and snippets made with the Material Design Bootstrap framework.
Bootstrap Creative This library of Bootstrap 4 code snippets and page layout examples will save you time building page layouts and customizing Bootstrap components.
Bootstrap Themes Large collection of examples, patterns and snippets for Bootstrap.
Nice Snippets Impressive collection of snippets for Bootstrap 4.

Bootstrap Tools

Helpful tools for developers to use while creating with Bootstrap.

Name Description
Bootstrap CDN A Content Delivery Network that specializes in serving just the Bootstrap CSS, JS and icons.
Bootstrap loader Load Bootstrap styles and scripts in your Webpack bundle. This loader uses SASS to process CSS styles. Bootstrap 3 & 4 are supported.
Codex UI Vanilla Bootstrap 4 components that require no extra CSS or Javascript to use.


Name Description
ng-bootstrap Angular widgets built from the ground up using only Bootstrap 4 CSS with APIs designed for the Angular ecosystem.
Bootstrap Vue With BootstrapVue you can build responsive, mobile-first, and ARIA accessible projects on the web using Vue.js and Bootstrap 4.
Reactrap Easy to use React Bootstrap 4 components.

Color Design

Name Description
Colour Lovers A creative community where people create and share colors, palettes and patterns, discuss the latest trends and explore colorful articles.
Bootstrap Color Palette A basic color palette for Bootstrap
MiniColors A tiny color picker built on jQuery.
Colorpicker for Bootstrap Add color picker to field or to any other element.
Painstrap Generate beautiful Bootstrap themes using the Adobe kuler / COLOURlovers color scheme.

UI Design

Name Description
Bootstrap Select A custom select for Bootstrap using button dropdown.
Social Buttons for Bootstrap Made in pure CSS based on Bootstrap and Font Awesome
Bootstrap Select Dropdown A jQuery plugin for Bootstrap 4 that converts <select> and <select multiselect> elements to dropdowns.
Megamenu for Bootstrap Lightweight and pure CSS megamenu that uses the standard navbar markup and the fluid grid system classes from Bootstrap 4.
Bootstrap navbar dropdowns Bootstrap 4 Navbar with multiple dropdowns

jQuery & JS Plugins

Name Description
Bootbox.js Wrappers for JavaScript alert(), confirm() and other flexible dialogs using Bootstrap framework
Lightbox for Bootstrap JS plugin to display any images / gallery in a nice lightbox.
Bootstrap File Imput An enhanced HTML 5 file input for Bootstrap 4.x or Bootstrap 3.x with file preview for various files, offers multiple selection, and more.
Date Range Picker JavaScript Date Range, Date and Time Picker Component for Bootstrap.
Bootstrap FileStyle A quick and simple and beaultiful plugin to help style your form's file upload inputs using Bootstrap 4.
Bootstrap Growl A pretty simple jQuery plugin that turns standard Bootstrap alerts into hovering "Growl-like" notifications.
Bootstrap Link Preview A facebook-like link preview js library using Bootstrap styling components.
Bootstrap File Imput An enhanced HTML 5 file input for Bootstrap 4.x or Bootstrap 3.x with file preview for various files, offers multiple selection, and more.
Bootstrap Markdown Bootstrap-Markdown designed to be easily integrated with your Bootstrap project. It exposes useful API that allow you to fully hook-in into the plugin.
Bootstrap MaxLength This plugin integrates by default with Bootstrap using badges to display the maximum length of the field where the user is inserting text.
Flippant.js A mini dependancy-less UI lib for flipping over DOM nodes.
jQuery File Upload File Upload widget with multiple file selection, drag&drop support, progress bar, validation and preview images, audio and video for jQuery.
Select2 a jQuery based replacement for select boxes. It supports searching, remote data sets, and infinite scrolling of results.
Strength Meter A JQuery plugin that converts a password input into an advanced widget with strength validation meter and toggle mask to show/hide the password.

Icon Fonts for Bootstrap

Enhance your projects with these icon fonts instead of standard Bootstrap icons.

Name Description
Font Awesome Font Awesome is the web's most popular icon set and toolkit.
Fontelico This collection was started by fontello project to collaborate different small sets, missed in other iconic fonts.
IcoMoon 5500+ free vector icons for your site or app Bootstrap projects.
Entypo 411 carefully crafted premium pictograms by Daniel Bruce.
Typicons Typicons are free-to-use vector icons embedded in a webfont for easy use in Boostrap projects.
Elusive The Elusive Iconfont is an icons webfont, optimized for use with twitter's Bootstrap.
Octicons A nice icon set released by the Primer team.
Foundation Icons A custom collection of 283 icons that are stored in a handy web font for any Bootstrap project.

That's it! I hope you'll share and bookmark this page with your friends. Don't hesitate to comment if you have any question and if you've discover new tools and scripts for your Bootstrap projects. Of course, this list is not complete but I'll keep on adding some resources.

If you want to share or insert a link in this article, you're more than welcome and here are some guidelines to save our time.

  • If your link point to a free Bootstrap service / tool, contact me and I'll add it in the desired section.
  • If your link point to a freemium or commercial service / product, contact me too and we'll discuss.
Daniel Dubois - auteur à

About Daniel

Passionate about the Web since 2007, Daniel defends the widow and the orphan of the Web by creating W3C-compliant sites. With his experience, he shares his knowledge in an open source mindset. Very involved in favor of the Joomla CMS since 2014, he is the founder of the Joomla User Group Breizh and a speaker in Joomla events.

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