Search results
Assuming images is required, the following 52 results were found.
Joomla SEO - The Ultimate Checklist for 2024
for the sake of numbers. It's stupid, don't do it. 16. Optimize File Names for Images Because a picture is worth a thousand words, you should insert images and...
How to Create a Pure CSS Masonry Portfolio?
and the one we are going to create here is Masonry. In this configuration, the images pile up on top of each other trying to fill all the available space. If...
250+ SEO Essentials Terms and Definitions
C Cache The cache is a mechanism that temporarily stores web content, such as images, in order to reduce loading time for future visits to the same site. In SEO, a...
How To Create A Horizontal Scrolling Images only in CSS
I explain you how to create a fun and interactive horizontal scrolling images for your website in pure CSS in just a few minutes! Adding useful and interesting...
How to speed up My Joomla Website?
Read more : Reliable hosters for Joomla Spped up Joomla by optimizing your images One of the first things to do is make sure that your images are properly...
7 Fast Tricks To Make Your Website Look Great: New Web Design Ideas
Right Colors for Your Website Keep It Simple and Minimalist Get Professional Images Make Sure Your Website Passes the 5-Second Test Hire A Professional Web...
How to Create Overrides in Joomla - Part 1
a shopping cart button, its price and a slideshow to display different images of the product, a comparison table with differents products related to the item, and...
How To Improve And Boost Your Internal Linking: 13 SEO Tactics
requires accessing the Site Audit dashboard in Website Auditor for the list of images lacking alt text. P.S. Alt attribute, also known as alt tag is specified as...
Improve And Boost Your Email Click Through Rates: The 29 Effective Tactics Needed
a lot of material often benefit from multi-column layouts. 17. Make Sure the Images Have Alt Texts and Links That Make Sense Your emails must make sense even...
24 Website Improvements Every Business Owner Must Consider
people can find on the site. Use clear titles, descriptions and images so that visitors know exactly what they're getting when they click on a link or type in a...
How to Create Engaging Social Media Content on a Budget
budget. One of the most effective types of memes to create are GIFs. These images will punctuate your post with a bit of humor or a quick and effective point....
How to Create Overrides in Joomla - Part 2
a shopping cart button, its price and a slideshow to display different images of the product, a comparison table with differents products related to the item, and...
In the (smart) search results it was already possible to show the intro images of articles, now you can also add the photos of contacts to the search results....
10+ Joomla Extensions to Optimize Blogs
can showcase your Instagram feed on your website, engaging your audience with images, captions, and more. Using this Joomla module, you may choose the layout style...
How to Create a Team Section With Joomla ?
to contact her/him Now, let's have a preview to our team section: Credits images: @Pixabay Previously in the #JoomlaOverrideChallenge Create an author page Create...