Like many Joomlers, I was at the JoomlaDagen 2023 in Tilburg - Netherland and if for some reasons you wasn't there, here is a summary of what we had the pleasure of experiencing and sharing.
You didn't know it but Rick Astley is a big fan of the HTML blockquote element and in this article, he shows us how to use it properly and he gives us some HTML / CSS snippets for our websites.
Everybody wants the best ROI on its email marketing campaings, right? Great because in this article, I share some pro tips to improve the email deliverability and reducing the bounce rate.
Privacy is no more a taboo and as a site owner, you must provide a safe experience to your visitors. In this article, we'll see why and how to add GDPR compliant fonts in Joomla.
If you want to save on certain web services, why not outsource them? In this article, I'll show you that outsource a web project may be a smart option that can pay off in many ways.
If you are looking for an attractive template to (re)create your business website, here is the ultimate selection of the 10 best Joomla 4 templates for businesses in 2024.
To be present on the Internet and start earning money, you have to invest but not much as you might expect. In this article, you'll discover how to create a small business website on a budget.
Accessibility, WCAG, ADA-compliant are not only concepts, they are also legal requirements and to be sure your website is accessible and usable, you need first to read this article!