This Joomla 4 override allows you to display a top article with four others articles around simply using Joomla's mod_articles_category module. At the bottom of this article, you can download the files of the override.

Joomla 4 frontend rendering

PhP markup

 * @package     Joomla.Site
 * @subpackage  mod_articles_category
 * @author
 * @copyright   (C) 2010 Open Source Matters, Inc. <>
 * @license     GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt

defined('_JEXEC') or die;

use Joomla\CMS\Helper\ModuleHelper;
use Joomla\CMS\HTML\HTMLHelper;
use Joomla\CMS\Language\Text;
use Joomla\CMS\Layout\LayoutHelper;

if (!$list)


<div class="row category-module<?php echo $moduleclass_sfx; ?> mod-list">
		<div class="row una-col-flex">
           <div class="col-md-12">
				$article_image   = [];
				$article_image_alt   = [];
			<?php foreach ($list as $item) : ?>
				<!-- Intro image -->
					$article_images  = json_decode($item->images);
					if(isset($article_images->image_intro) && !empty($article_images->image_intro)) {
						$article_image[$item->id]  = $article_images->image_intro;
						$article_image_alt[$item->id]  = $article_images->image_intro_alt;
					} else {
						$article_image[$item->id]  = 'images/assets/grey-bg.png'; // image placeholder
						$article_image_alt[$item->id]  = 'No image'; // alt image placeholder

			<?php endforeach; ?>                 
			<div class="row" style="margin-bottom: 30px;">
				<!--1st article -->
		  		<div class="col-md-8">
		     	 	<a class="a-la-une" href="<?php echo $list[0]->link; ?>">
						<img class="a-la-une" src="<?php echo $article_image[$list[0]->id]; ?>" alt="<?php echo $article_image_alt[$list[0]->id]; ?>" />

					<div class="a-la-une-text">
					<!-- Category title -->
					<?php if ($list[0]->displayCategoryTitle) : ?>
						<span class="mod-articles-category-category">
							<h7 class="pb-4 text-uppercase text-white"><?php echo $list[0]->displayCategoryTitle; ?></h7>
					<?php endif; ?>				
					<!-- Article title -->
					<?php if ($params->get('link_titles') == 1) : ?>
						<a class="text-white a-la-une mod-articles-category-title <?php echo $list[0]->active; ?>" href="<?php echo $list[0]->link; ?>"><h4 class="text-white mt-3"><?php echo $list[0]->title; ?></h4></a>
					<?php else : ?>
						<?php echo $list[0]->title; ?>
					<?php endif; ?>
				<!--1st article ends -->

				<!--2nd article -->
		  		<div class="col-md-4">
		     	 	<a class="a-la-une" href="<?php echo $list[1]->link; ?>">
						<img class="a-la-une" src="<?php echo $article_image[$list[1]->id]; ?>" alt="<?php echo $article_image_alt[$list[1]->id]; ?>" />

					<div class="a-la-une-text">
					<?php if ($list[1]->displayCategoryTitle) : ?>
						<span class="mod-articles-category-category">
							<h7 class="pb-4 text-uppercase text-white"><?php echo $list[1]->displayCategoryTitle; ?></h7>
					<?php endif; ?>				
					<?php if ($params->get('link_titles') == 1) : ?>
						<a class="text-white a-la-une mod-articles-category-title <?php echo $list[1]->active; ?>" href="<?php echo $list[1]->link; ?>"><h4 class="text-white mt-3"><?php echo $list[1]->title; ?></h4></a>
					<?php else : ?>
						<?php echo $list[1]->title; ?>
					<?php endif; ?>
				<!--2nd article ends -->

			<div class="row">
				<!--3rd article -->
		  		<div class="col-md-4">
		     	 	<a class="a-la-une" href="<?php echo $list[2]->link; ?>">
						<img class="a-la-une" src="<?php echo $article_image[$list[2]->id]; ?>" alt="<?php echo $article_image_alt[$list[2]->id]; ?>" />

					<div class="a-la-une-text">
					<?php if ($list[2]->displayCategoryTitle) : ?>
						<span class="mod-articles-category-category">
							<h7 class="pb-4 text-uppercase text-white"><?php echo $list[2]->displayCategoryTitle; ?></h7>
					<?php endif; ?>				
					<?php if ($params->get('link_titles') == 1) : ?>
						<a class="text-white a-la-une mod-articles-category-title <?php echo $list[2]->active; ?>" href="<?php echo $list[2]->link; ?>"><h4 class="text-white mt-3"><?php echo $list[2]->title; ?></h4></a>
					<?php else : ?>
						<?php echo $list[2]->title; ?>
					<?php endif; ?>
				<!--3rd article ends -->

				<!--4th article -->
		  		<div class="col-md-4">
		     	 	<a class="a-la-une" href="<?php echo $list[3]->link; ?>">
						<img class="a-la-une" src="<?php echo $article_image[$list[3]->id]; ?>" alt="<?php echo $article_image_alt[$list[3]->id]; ?>" />

					<div class="a-la-une-text">
					<?php if ($list[3]->displayCategoryTitle) : ?>
						<span class="mod-articles-category-category">
							<h7 class="pb-4 text-uppercase text-white"><?php echo $list[3]->displayCategoryTitle; ?></h7>
					<?php endif; ?>				
					<?php if ($params->get('link_titles') == 1) : ?>
						<a class="text-white a-la-une mod-articles-category-title <?php echo $list[3]->active; ?>" href="<?php echo $list[3]->link; ?>"><h4 class="text-white mt-3"><?php echo $list[3]->title; ?></h4></a>
					<?php else : ?>
						<?php echo $list[3]->title; ?>
					<?php endif; ?>
				<!--4th article ends -->

				<!--5th article -->
		  		<div class="col-md-4">
		     	 	<a class="a-la-une" href="<?php echo $list[4]->link; ?>">
						<img class="a-la-une" src="<?php echo $article_image[$list[4]->id]; ?>" alt="<?php echo $article_image_alt[$list[4]->id]; ?>" />

					<div class="a-la-une-text">
					<?php if ($list[4]->displayCategoryTitle) : ?>
						<span class="mod-articles-category-category">
							<h7 class="pb-4 text-uppercase text-white"><?php echo $list[4]->displayCategoryTitle; ?></h7>
					<?php endif; ?>				
					<?php if ($params->get('link_titles') == 1) : ?>
						<a class="text-white a-la-une mod-articles-category-title <?php echo $list[4]->active; ?>" href="<?php echo $list[4]->link; ?>"><h4 class="text-white mt-3"><?php echo $list[4]->title; ?></h4></a>
					<?php else : ?>
						<?php echo $list[4]->title; ?>
					<?php endif; ?>
				<!--5th article ends -->
        </div><!--col-md-12 ends-->



.a-la-une-text {
    position: absolute;
    z-index: 999;
    display: block;
    margin-top: -190px;

.a-la-une img {
	height: 430px !important; 
	background: rgba(53, 53, 53, 0.35); 
	filter: brightness(0.8); 
	overflow: hidden; 
	z-index:-2 !important;

.a-la-une-text {
  	max-width: 410px;
	padding-top: 20px;
    padding-right: 50px;
    padding-bottom: 23px;
    padding-left: 40px;

.una-col {
	position: relative;
	margin: 0 0 20px 0;

.text-white, .text-white a {
  color: #fff !important;

.una-col-flex ul {
  display: flex;
  flex-wrap: wrap;

.una-col-flex li {
  height: 59vh;
  flex-grow: 1;
  list-style: none;
  padding: 10px;
  position: relative;

.una-col-flex img {
  max-height: 100%;
  min-width: 100%;
  object-fit: cover;
  vertical-align: bottom;
  height: 430px;
  filter: brightness(70%);

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Quick links