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Everything about Joomla presents its joomla services
Contact us
Whether it is to get information on our services, to ask us a question or just to say Hello, do not hesitate to contact us!
29800 - Landerneau - Breizh
Monday - Friday - 08:30 AM to 6:30 PM
We call you
and we call you back ;)
Everything you need about Joomla CMS is available here for free: templaters best offers, latest host offers, white papers about Joomla. For you, for all, for free.
What will you do with Joomla today?
Want to learn how to create an override to change the appearance of an article / a module? What are the best hosting offers for your website? Looking for new ideas to find the new template for your next website? Whether you are a new or an advanced Joomla user, everything you need is probably available for free here and at your fingertips without registration. Serve yourself freely and don't forget to share this page widely around you if it was useful for you!
Joomla and, the best choice
In addition to all the information that has been sharing for free for years on various sites and blogs in order to promote this awesome CMS, it is also a full range of dedicated services as well as personalized and tailor-made support for your websites:
Our actions in favor of the Joomla CMS
User since 2007, has been a committed volunteer in favor of the Joomla CMS since 2014, both locally with the creation and animation of the Joomla User Group Breizh, and nationally and internationally by being a speaker, member of several projects for Joomla and a leader of the association of the French users of Joomla. Since many years, also wrote hundreds of articles and tutorials about Joomla.